The Klipper Expander is a user-friendly MCU board designed for use with Klipper 3D printer firmware. It features an STM32F042F6P6 MCU with an internal oscillator, a SWD header for easy debugging, 4 3A Mosfet outputs, 2 thermistor inputs, 1 level shifted Neopixel output, 1 GPIO header, and an I2C header with pullup resistors.
*Featured in our Troodon 2.0 with Stealthburner and Klipper
STM32F042F6P6 MCU with internal oscilator
SWD header for easy debugging
4 3A Mosfet outputs
2 Thermistor inputs
1 Level Shifted Neopixel output
1 GPIO header
I2C Header with Pullup Resistors
Originally by Timmit99 - per his request 5% of profits go to donate to the Voron Design Team.
Donate on your own to Voron